Mermaids in Bhutan?

A kind rinpoche shared that Bhutanese people believe that there are "Tshomen" or mermaids. We asked how is it possible? Bhutan is land-locked, no sea. He tells us, "Our mermaids live in the serene lakes of Bhutan, they are the guardians of our earth."


And so, we tasked our young photographers to take photos of the lake. They came back with fantastic photos, including this photo of Lake Tsho. One even caught the picture of   

This is the Bhutan Scarf that is now named after the Bhutanese mermaids - Tshomen Scarf

Photo credit : Tashi Delma 18 year old, Paro is one of the 20 participants at the Weavers' Children Photography Workshop, organised by Ana by Karma team in November 2015 as a community development program. The children are aged 12 to 18, all of them offsprings of our weavers. Our next workshop is in April 2015. Please join us.

More photos by the teenage participants of the workshop are found in

One of our scarfs are named Tshomen Blue (view here) named after the mermaids of Bhutan.